Monday, June 22, 2009

So here we go a new blog.

So what have I been lately. Messing with an Arduino, learning processing (a open source programming language which I really do not think is for me), learning Python and drinking WAY too much coffee.

So whats an Arduino. Its a small open source microprocessor board essentially a small computer.

Programming the device is pretty easy. Figuring out pull down resistors is being troublesome since its a new concept to me.

So far the notes/instructions I have read have all linked the device to the processing language which I am really not liking and don't feel its the right language for me since its more about the arty type screens rather than a device to web interface. Hence trying Python another free open source programming language.

So far it seems a little more suited to what I want but I have a couple of issues. The indent structure of the code is really really picky, something I am not used to with previous programming languages - Pascal,Modula-2C, C++,VB etc etc ie pretty much all languages.

Second is the fact the program writing to the usb port resets the board. I can fix the board resetting but this involves modifying the board and then I would always have to press reset and the upload at the same time which is a pretty short window.

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